Preventive thinking, doing, giving and being allowed to receive

We can already distinguish 3 major phases:

Phase 1: Towards the Burnout

Phase 2: The crash-down, the Burnout

Phase 3: The build-up phase after the Burnout, and the greater awareness

Phase 1 « The Road that leads to a burnout and its Prevention”

Here you can certainly take proactive measures:

-Have awareness of your body’s signals
– Become aware of your breathing and its rhythm
-Become aware of all the external stimuli that influence you, both in the private and professional spheres
-Ask in your environment to give you signals if you go beyond your limit
-Do preventive bodywork to release tensions and emotions
-Work on a mental, physical, emotional and above all energetic level

Shiatsu can help on all levels through a holistic approach.

Phase 2 « Crash or Terminal phase »:

You have little or no energy left! You have crashed down!
This phase differs from person to person
Some people don’t even get out of bed anymore
The body says “STOP I don’t have any energy anymore”
What is important to do is:
-Listen, feel and be present in the body
-Accept support
– Draw up a plan to rest and relax

Shiatsu or acupressure is energetic work, support that you can definitely use.

Phase 3 « The Construction phase, change and greater awareness »

Here you can make important choices. You return to an old pattern with the risk of falling back or you decide to make changes at different levels.

You open up a greater awareness. You choose a different lifestyle, which diet is good for you, from which diet you get more energy. You choose to do more exercise and softer and deeper breathing. You choose to do self-reflection and you try to have a clear view of work and private relationships.

Shiatsu is recognized in Japan as a preventive treatment. Through Shiatsu, people release the stress, tensions and emotions in the body. We work on the energy channels on the meridians to stimulate the energy flow and we base our practice on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

We bring your attention back from the mind to the body and we take care of your being as a whole. You learn to come back to rest even in stressful times. You come back to your center and use our Inner Power!

Testimonial of a patient:

“I had been home with a burnout for more than 8 months and thought that I was gradually ready to turn the page. My mind was looking forward to new projects, so I gradually rebuilt my activities … But my body did not want to go along, it refused to be of service … Every time I felt better, and again undertook a few more activities, my body crashed down, again … One step forward, two backwards – something like that … I was furious with my own body. I ​​felt sabotaged by my own body! I cried and cried with frustration … I started thinking I would never get out that crippling feeling of complete exhaustion again … I was close to despair … I read a lot about burnout, in books, on the internet, on the social media, started talking to people who had burned out, in order to try to understand what was going on with me, and to find out how others « got out. » For example, I came across two things that ultimately helped me (besides a healthy night’s rest, healthy eating, lots of rest and activities that give you energy): 1) A 3-week low-sugar diet especially for people with a burnout ( ), and 2) Shiatsu … The internet search robot sent me to Daniel … I barely knew what Shiatsu was, but had nothing to lose, quite the contrary. Daniel received me with a warm smile and a listening ear. From the first session, even from the first moment of the first session, I felt that this was what my body needed: perfect rest and relaxation, energy and … attention. Daniel taught me to listen to my body again, to care for my body, to cherish it! « – Mieke Deceuninck

Daniël Van Nerom – Shiatsu Therapist – 0475 / 73.27.86